Wednesday, September 5, 2012

let's play house. you be the daddy and i'll be the mommy.

Almost all the time, I still feel like I'm pretending to be a grown up. Somehow I still feel like this, despite the fact that I've been with Andy for almost ten years now, married for seven, have two kids, have purchased two houses, two cars, become a stay-at-home mom... I still feel like we are pretending!

This past weekend was a four-day weekend for us. One particular moment that stood out to me...

We had piled both kids in the car -- excuse me, the minivan -- and were heading out to a baby store about 40 minutes away to look at double strollers. We stopped at Dunkin Donuts to get coffee. As we were winding down Algonkian Parkway, each sipping our coffees and reveling in the blissful silence of our car (because with kids, you never know when the silence could erupt, so you bathe in it whenever it comes around), discussing who knows what. I realized that probably 95% of what Andy and I talk about now is completely different than what we talked about when we met ten years ago. We are parents now. REAL parents! Parents who drink coffee on a Saturday morning while going to look at strollers!

In a couple years, I may not remember what we talked about or that we went to lunch afterwards or that we didn't buy a stroller that day. But I think for the rest of my life, I will remember what it felt like to hold that cup of grown-up, parent coffee, look to my left, and see my husband holding his grown-up, parent coffee. And to realize I wouldn't want to play house with anyone else but him.


  1. Funny... I never feel like a real grown-up either... I wonder if we ever will!

  2. Me either. I look around and wonder when I got old enough to be married and own a house and a car. I certainly don't feel old enough. Or mature enough sometimes, lol.
