We are three weeks into the family of four thing! We also just celebrated Levi's second birthday. To commemorate the day, we also pulled out the DVD of videos we took throughout his first year. Oh my goodness, was that first birthday party only one year ago!? And do all those things really happen in the first year? It was a good refresher, actually, to see what babies do during their first year. I totally forgot about the phase where Levi would lay on his back and grasp toys between his feet. I also forgot how stubborn he was about walking... he cruised and held onto furniture and walls from about 9 months through 15 months. And now, with Wendy, we get to do it all over again.
When people ask us "so, how's it going?" Andy and I both tend to answer the same way: "The second one is so much easier!" We can't really decide how much of that is due to forgetfulness of what life was like two years ago versus us being more relaxed about parenting now that we've done it once before, but here's some of the things we have found easier:
1) The birth. I never wrote up a birth story for Levi (maybe I'll do that one day), but Wendy's birth was so much easier.
2) The recovery. I was able to walk myself out of the hospital this time rather than having to ride a wheelchair to the door. Of course, I'm still in the first six-week recovery window, but it's generally been easier this time around.
3) The scheduling. With Levi, it felt so impossible to get ourselves out of the house around a nursing, diapering, sleeping schedule. Now, we've managed to get out of the house (and ON TIME!) to various things like church, doctor's appointments, dinner out, without freaking out.
4) The crying. When the baby cries, of course, we comfort her, but I don't feel the same "oh my goodness, what if this is the time when she never, ever stops and becomes one of those severe colic babies?" dread that I felt last time. True, there are no guarantees that Wendy won't be a complete fuss bottom, but what's the point in worrying about it?
5) The nursing. So. much. easier. Again, how much of that is second baby syndrome versus I know what I'm doing this time versus these just being different kids who nurse differently? All I know is that the first four to six weeks of nursing Levi were so all consuming, so difficult and frankly painful. When I was watching a video of me in the hospital with Levi, I heard Andy say "I think he'd be ready to eat again if you're ready." I replied in a very serious tone "I'm not." This time, with Wendy, there's been no pain or struggle. When she's hungry, she eats.
6) The life transition. With Levi, I went from being a full time employee to a woman on maternity leave figuring out what motherhood was going to look like. This time, I went from being a mother of one to a mother of two. I have some of the mommy things already figured out, like which playgrounds have good shade, how to pack up a diaper bag for a playdate or what kind of music will make my kids happy.
I'm sure there are more things, but for now that's my list. Today is my first day at home with both kids without the help of my mom who was here for the first three weeks. We'll see how this goes. ;)
SO glad to hear this! Glad for your sake that it's going (relatively) smoothly, and glad to haer this as a mom of one who's starting to think about baby #2. :)