Thursday, December 15, 2011

then and now

I keep wondering who pulled a fast one on me. How can just one year make such a huge difference? How could it possibly have only been one year between this Christmas and last one? SO MUCH has changed in my little guy, one year just doesn't seem enough. Some of the most notable progressions:

2010, pudge baby being propped up

2011, big boy, standing up

1. Levi wasn't even eating solid foods last Christmas when he turned five months old. Today, he can eat a whole sandwich (one piece of bread) and bowl of fruit and slice of cheese for lunch. That's in addition to two snacks, breakfast and dinner each day.

2. Last year we were just getting excited that Levi was rolling. He'd end up a few feet away from his play mat. Now, he's a stealthy walker/trotter who can get wherever the heck he wants. I'm currently trying to discourage him from climbing things around the house.

3. Last year we were still carting Levi around in the infant car seat. Shortly after Christmas we started to leave the seat in the car all the time instead of snapping it in and out of the base. Now, he is in a big boy car seat. With arm rests.

4. Last year we were just beginning to put Levi straight into a stroller. He kinda slumped a little, especially when bundled up. Now, he is rarely content in a stoller and would prefer to be walking around.

5. Last year, no words (obviously). There was babbling, but now he's really building his vocabulary of words and sounds. Mama, dada, up, yeah, no-no, nana (for banana), din-din (dinner), lalalaa (llama), baaa (sheep), moo (cow), meaooow (cat), ooof (dog), choo-choo (train and any car), ball, keys, nose, Aa-oo (Elmo)...

One of my favorite questions to ask parents of young kids is "what's been your favorite age?" I like asking this questions because the answer is usually "this one, right now." And while I feel a little nostalgic for the rolly-polly pudge baby of last Christmas, I think my favorite Levi is this one, right now.

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