Thursday, January 5, 2012

radio silence

I can explain my brief blog silence for two reasons:

1) We moved the computer downstairs when we put the house on the market for staging reasons, and I just don't spend as much time on it now. Instead I use the iPad and now the Kindle Fire to catch up on web things.

2) I'm going to have another baby! The cat is out of the bag now. I'm due on July 14, 2012 with my second baby. This one is just two weeks shy of Levi's second birthday, so it'll be a busy, busy summer. I just finished telling all the friends and family, so before that I was being quiet all around so as not to spill the beans too early. I enter the second trimester in a couple days and so far, so good. I haven't been as famished as I was with Levi, nor have I been quite as tired. I have, however, been a much more emotional basketcase. I first figured this out around week 5 or 6 when the song "Lighters" by Eminem and Bruno Mars made me cry. Seriously? I have no idea why... when Bruno sings about all he wants to see is a sky full of lighters... I still don't understand what my deal was.

So that's my excuse for the short blog silence! Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

1 comment:

  1. the part about you crying at "Lighters" made me literally LOL. :)

    Then again, I cried at a Pampers commercial the other day. Haha.

    Wishing you the perfect pregnancy, buddy :)
